
13 Proper gardening techniques to Help New Gardeners

Organic Gardening

Simply put, organic gardening means planting without artificial fertilizers and pesticides. In a broader sense, it emphasizes a broader ecosystem. This type of gardening is looking for solutions to improve the health of the soil, flora and animals around the garden. This is usually due to a large number of compost crops and mulch.

Biodynamic Gardening

It is similar to organic gardening in that it does not use artificial fertilizers or pesticides, but it is organic gardening. In addition to focusing on larger ecosystems, biodynamics also hopes to match the natural rhythm of the earth and stars. It is a collection of many ancient technologies from many cultures. The fundamental problem is the health of the soil using bio-fertilizers (usually bright, such as gardens with herbal teas).

Companion Planting

Growing as a companion involves the use of plant keys that promote abundant growth and repel or attract insects. In our garden, we grow basil, persil and borage in tomatoes to increase vitality, reduce the number of diseases and ensure richer flowering.

Succession Planting

Estate planting includes planting your garden in waves to ensure that there are constant crops of specific vegetables in spring, summer and autumn.


Usually made with perennials and native plants, the objective of sustainable agriculture is to establish a self-sufficient system. This type of gardening avoids agriculture and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, because the goal is to create a community composed of plants, soils, people, insects, etc. This helps to keep the garden running without continuous interruption.


Hydroponics is a type of above-ground gardening that consists of “rooting” plants in a continuous cycle of liquid fertilizers.

Conventional Gardening

Some gardeners use fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides to varying degrees. The amount depends only on the specific wishes of the individual.

Square Foot Gardening

Square foot gardening is small space gardening, removing markers from the garden in square foot increments. This type of gardening tries to bring the plants closer together to maximize the space and minimize the need for weeding. He also uses succession planting.

Mittlieder Method

This is a kind of gardening that uses soil and hydroponics techniques in small rooms (for example, in apartments). When combined with vertical embellishment, you can save more space.


Aquaponics consists of gardening in the liquid environment where the fish live. This type of gardening uses hydroponic ideas and uses live fertilizers, which can also be grown on farms. Very effective!

Straw Bale

This method involves gardening on straw bales, not farming.

Lasagna Gardening

Gardening for lasagna involves compostable materials with a layer of soil on top. Usually used in gardening where weeds are uncontrollable, the idea is to destroy the weeds and create a good fertile soil for the future.

Keyhole Garden

This garden is a raised round bed with a round path on one side and a compost heap in the middle. Compost heaps are usually stored in the form of a circle of wire mesh and extend to the depth of the entire layer. The compost pile is watered to distribute water and nutrients throughout the surrounding bed.