
21 Different Types of Gardens for Your Yard and Home

The garden is one of the staples of British families. In fact, a 2008 survey of housing stock in England found that 78% of British homes have private gardens in the front and back yards.

On the other hand, Dubai has the largest park in the world. It is called The Miracle Garden of Dubai and contains more than 45 million flowers.

Kew Gardens is another world-class park, famous for the largest and most diverse collection of plants and fungi in the world.

It is so valuable that it has its own police force, known as the Kew police, which has been guarding the park since 1847.

Different types of gardens

Below you will find a list of different types of gardening.

  1. Vegetable Gardens
Different Types of Gardens for Your Yard and.
Vegetable Gardens

Perhaps the most common type of garden for people is a vegetable garden. Taking care of a vegetable garden can be a lot of fun and you will literally be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Unlike some of the other types of gardens that will appear on this list, you will find that vegetable gardens have many advantages that go beyond their simple aesthetic appeal. You can use your vegetable garden to provide food for your family.

It is quite difficult to grow enough food to feed the whole family, but many people like to reduce the amount of vegetables that they have to buy at the store during gardening.

It is also very attractive for people who care about the environment. Environmental problems are becoming more and more real every year.

Not buying packaged products is a way to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying fresh vegetables.

However, gardening is not necessarily easy. You will have to take care of each type of vegetable that you decide to grow in your garden.

Different vegetables need different things, and some vegetables may need watering more than others. If you want to grow a successful vegetable garden, you need to be vigilant.

It’s incredibly gratifying to see that all your hard work has been rewarded, so that your efforts will feel like they were worth it. If you can carefully plan the vegetables that you want to grow in your garden, you should not have any special difficulties.

If you do not have much experience, it is better to choose vegetables that are easy to grow for beginners. Harder vegetables are easier for you to digest, and once you have gained confidence in yourself, you can try more difficult ones.

2. Flower Gardens

3 popular types of flower gardens:

a. Rose Gardens

Different types of gardens
Rose Gardens

In the United States alone, more than 1.3 billion roses were bought on Valentine’s Day. Although many roses are grown in the United States, more than 1 billion of them are imported.

Thanks to Greek mythology, roses have become synonymous with Valentine’s Day. It is said that rose bushes grow on the land where Aphrodite (the goddess of love) shed tears and blood of her beloved Adonis [Source: Reader’s Digest].

The rose is perhaps the most famous flower in the world. People plant them in the yard to create stunning rose gardens, and, of course, they will be presented in bouquets for various events and holidays. My cousin works on a pink farm where there is a huge greenhouse for growing roses. He took me on a tour several times, and it was a very interesting process. The number of roses that can be grown in an efficient greenhouse is staggering.

Regardless of whether you want to grow a rose garden or buy roses, you may want to know that there are many types of roses (complete guide to roses).

b. Tulip Gardens

Different types of gardens
Tulip Gardens

Did you know that there are already more than 3,000 varieties of tulips, divided into 15 different groups. This is a very popular bouquet and a garden flower.

here is the list of the 42 most popular tulip varieties, briefly explained here.

c. Orchid gardens

Different types of gardens
Orchid gardens

Orchids, perennial herbs belonging to the orchid family, are found in all regions of the world, except Antarctica. There are more than 800 known genera, 28,000 species, 100,000 hybrids and varieties of orchid species.

Different species vary greatly in size, weight and color, and the smallest lizard (found in the Cerro Candelaria Reserve in Ecuador in 2009, living in the rhizome of another lizard) is only half a millimeter long. Native to Sumatra, Malaysia and other tropical regions, gramatophyllum speciosum (also known as giant orchid, tiger orchid, cane orchid or queen orchid) is considered one of the largest orchids, with a height of more than 25 feet.

Competing with the asteraceae, orchids are one of the two main types of flowering plants. In this article, you will have detailed information about their cultivation, and other interesting facts.


In fact, there are thousands or millions of different gardens. Some of them include only one type of flower, as in the three examples above, but most are a combination of different colors.

Flower Gardens are another very popular type of garden. Almost every person on this planet can appreciate the fact that flowers are very beautiful.

The presence of a very beautiful garden on your territory will give your yard a great aesthetic appeal. This is a great way to add color to your garden and make it visually more interesting.

Caring for certain types of flowers can be difficult, so you will want to pay attention to the type of flowers that you decide to plant in your garden.

Using regular flowers shouldn’t cause you a lot of problems, because information about how to care for them is easy to get.

Exotic flowers may have special needs, and their proper cultivation requires a skilled hand. Before choosing flowers for your garden, you should do some research.

While it’s tempting to choose flowers based on their beauty, you should avoid it.

There are many different options that you can plant in your garden. There are many types of flowers, some of which are not suitable for your area. Before you decide to proceed with boarding, you should think about everything.

If you really like a certain kind of color, but it doesn’t work well in the area where you live, you should be able to find an option that offers a similar color that you like.

It may be a bad idea to plant flowers that don’t do well in very hot weather in the southern United States. Conversely, planting flowers that require a lot of sunlight in areas that are regularly overcast can lead to undesirable results.

Plan your garden carefully and you will be able to enjoy the beautiful yard in no time.

3. Herb Gardens

Different types of gardens
Herb Gardens

Modern herb gardens are usually used to grow herbs that are used as ingredients in cooking and spices. Grow your own herbs to make sure you will have fresh ingredients to use in your kitchen.

The ability to use fresh spices in pasta sauces and other dishes can bring great satisfaction. It’s also easy to grow herbs, so the benefits are definitely worth the effort.

Some of the herbs that people usually grow in their gardens include basil, parsley, sage, dill, persil, rosemary, mint and fennel, to name a few.

You shouldn’t have any problems growing these herbs, but don’t forget to study their needs before planting. Before transplanting in the garden, it is always useful to be familiar with the needs of any plant.

This can prepare you well and increase your chances of success.

Herb gardens can also be very beautiful. These types of gardens are not only very practical to use, but they will also bring a lot of charm to your garden.

You can also grow an herbal garden indoors, but this is most often done outdoors. No matter which method you choose, this will be a very pleasant experience for you.

4. Raised Gardens

Different types of gardens
Raised Gardens

Raised gardens are very important for people living in areas without fertile soil. It can be frustrating when you want to start a garden and find that your soil just isn’t up to scratch.

There are many ways to prepare your soil and enrich it so that you can use it. Sometimes the soil is so bad that it is not very convenient, it is best to look for an alternative method.

Building an elevated garden gives you the space you need to create a garden. You will build a platform that will be located on the natural soil of your garden.

This will serve as the wall of your new garden. Once the plot is determined, you can buy fertile soil that will go well with the type of plants you want to plant in your garden.

Fertile soil is the most important part of this process. You need soil to provide your plants with the nutrients they need to thrive.

If you find it difficult to determine exactly what to buy, it will be helpful for you to find the specific plants you want to include. Different plants may need soil with a certain pH balance, so you need to plan everything accordingly.

As a rule, ordinary garden soil should suit your needs well. However, sometimes special soil mixtures are more useful.

As long as you are diligent and study the information you need, it will not be difficult to create a beautiful garden with trees. This will help you avoid difficulties with growing plants on insufficient natural soil, and it will not be difficult to create a raised garden platform.

5. Indoor Gardens

Different types of gardens
Indoor Gardens

People living in areas with heavy snowfall often have to resort to landscaping to solve problems. A cold climate can cause difficulties for outdoor gardens, and there are only many months of the year when plants can be grown in an acceptable way.

If you have the opportunity to create an indoor garden yourself, if you wish, you can do gardening all year round. For people who really like gardening, this is very good, because you will be able to get great pleasure from your hobby.

Indoor gardening tools can be purchased. These solutions will include the actual planting of various plants, as well as good soil that helps them grow very strong.

When buying one of the kits, the whole process is greatly simplified. If you want, you can also decide to act differently.

Some people like to create a more traditional garden space in their homes. This will include garden beds and ordinary garden soil.

You will need a dedicated space in your home, this is becoming a reality. Indoor gardening kits reduce clutter and can be installed in one part of the room without taking up too much space.

Which method you decide to use depends on your personal preferences. Both of these options may suit you well in an enclosed garden.

It is ideal for people who want to be able to grow plants in winter. It shouldn’t be too difficult to succeed in an indoor garden because you will be able to control the temperature and watering of your plants as needed.

6. Community Gardens

Different types of gardens
Community Gardens

Many communities in North America have started to create community gardens. These areas are places where people can grow vegetables and other plants on public land.

Usually such public gardens are used to provide people in need with fruits and vegetables. Each member of the community can receive a certain amount of food from the community garden every month in certain areas.

Different community garden rules will apply in different communities. It is important to remember that this is a very good opportunity for people to have a garden place that they can take care of.

Many people live in residential areas or apartments without garden space. This is the only opportunity that some people should be able to try gardening for themselves.

This can be very useful for people who like gardening. It is a relaxing pastime that can help you focus and eliminate a certain amount of stress from your daily life.

It can be fun to be able to do this in a community environment because eventually you can make new friends by sharing them.

The purpose of these community garden initiatives is to bring the community closer together so that the establishment of friendship is fully consistent with the spirit of the community garden.

If there is a public park in your area, you should ask the person responsible for it. They will be able to tell you more about them and will be able to change the rules of the public garden in your favor.

This will allow you to decide if you want to participate. Growing food for the underprivileged in society will definitely make you feel good.

7. Container Gardens

Different types of gardens
Container Gardens

Container gardens are very practical for people who don’t have space to grow more traditional gardens. As the name suggests, container gardening consists of plants growing in different containers.

These containers can be flowerpots, pots, bags, buckets and many other types of containers. Put the right amount of soil in the container and start planting.

Sometimes people arrange small container gardens on the balcony. This can be very convenient, because you will be able to go out quickly and check them whenever possible.

It may be wise to keep your potted garden close to home, but you will be able to effectively put it elsewhere. Some people even decided to create indoor container gardens.

An interesting aspect of this type of gardening is that you can use containers that are not traditionally used for gardening purposes.

If you decide to use something like a bucket or handbag, you need to make sure that all drainage problems are resolved. Your plants need to be drained to stay healthy, so you have to make sure everything is ready.

In order to make everything as simple as possible, it is best to try to buy flowerpots and other containers designed for planting. They can be purchased in most major retail stores, and you will find many in kindergartens.

If you are going to create your first potted garden, don’t be afraid to seek expert advice. Tips will be useful and it will make you more successful.

8. Tropical Gardens

Different types of gardens
Tropical Gardens

Caring for a tropical garden is something that only experienced gardeners should try. If you live in a tropical area, you will be able to get rid of a tropical garden with mediocre gardening skills.

Those who are trying to grow tropical gardens in places with a different climate will have a harder time. Tropical plants require a lot of water and a high temperature to thrive.

If you want to succeed, you need to install an irrigation system for your tropical garden. This will make it easier for you to properly water.

If you can build a good irrigation system, then everything should be able to get a lot of water without worrying. After that, the only thing you care about is the temperature.

In colder climates, tropical plants have many ways to succeed. When the weather starts to get colder, it is highly recommended to cover your plants.

You may also consider growing them in temperature-controlled conditions. This will allow you to always maintain the right temperature, and it will be easier for your tropical plants to bloom.

9. Greenhouse Gardens

Different types of gardens
Greenhouse Gardens

You may have heard of greenhouse gardens. They are very useful when you want to be able to grow plants efficiently.

Regardless of the time of year, you can keep your plants warm. This is a method that people use to grow plants when their growing season usually does not come.

Creating a greenhouse garden is not an easy task. This will require a lot of equipment and a lot of money to make everything go smoothly.

This method is mainly used by serious farmers and lovers of extreme gardening. If this is something you like, then you may have to consider it in more detail.

Mini-greenhouses began to appear on the market. You can buy them cheaper, and you can use them to protect the plant when it gets colder outside.

In fact, they are very easy to use, but not as complex as large greenhouses. They are always very useful, so you might consider buying one of them.

10. Botanical Gardens

Different types of gardens
Botanical Gardens

The botanical garden aims to showcase as many different plant species as possible. They are committed to the care and cultivation of plants.

Many times, you will find that such garden plots can be visited by the public. Sometimes you will see wonderful plant species that usually do not grow in the area where the garden is located.

It is very inspiring to see a large number of impressive plants at the exhibition. If you want to gain some motivation to continue the beautification project at home, then visiting the botanical garden will be a very interesting activity.

You will be surprised at how beautiful everything looks and come out of this experiment with a new respect for gardening.

A lot of time and energy have been invested in these botanical gardens, and if you look at how wonderful their territory is, it is easy to see this.

Real vegetable gardens are usually managed by the chief gardener. This is not something that an ordinary gardener can support, because the scale is huge.

It is an important garden type when it comes to cataloging and preserving plant life. If you have one in your area, it will be a real pleasure to visit it when you have time.

If you dream of becoming a vegetable gardener one day, then you should really enjoy spending time in one that has been created.

The master gardener will most likely be very happy to answer any questions you have.

This is a very good learning experience, if you take the time to ask questions, you will learn a lot from it. The way the tour group is organized makes it easy to ask questions about certain plants, so there is no need to be embarrassed when asking questions.

11.Therapeutic Gardens

Different types of gardens
Therapeutic Gardens

Finally, some people began to create gardens designed for healing. People who are stressed in life or have anger management issues can benefit from gardening.

Gardening is a very relaxing activity, it is used to treat symptoms of anxiety, depression and even despondency. Many people benefit from therapeutic gardening sessions, and this therapy may become more widespread in the future.

Symptoms of depression and anxiety have been increasing for many years. If you are one of the many people suffering from these problems, gardening can be a great way to relax.

Well, when you can get rid of your problems, gardening is the perfect outlet. Whether you want to plant a garden in your backyard or you need to do something indoors, it is very useful from a therapeutic point of view.

Some treatment centers will have their own gardens that patients can use. In addition, public gardens are also used for medicinal gardening purposes in many areas.

If you want to learn more about medicinal gardening, it will be interesting to look for such in your area. Those who do not have their own garden space should be able to find options that they can use.

12. Succulent Gardens

Different types of gardens

There are several types of succulent gardens. They include outdoor, potted or terrariums.

For your information, growing cacti is not cheap. I can’t believe how much it costs.

The fact is that you can plan and create a variety of succulent gardens, including outdoor and miniature gardens, flower pots, terrariums for succulents.

  1. Rock/Zen Gardens
Different types of gardens
RockZen Gardens

The Classical Zen Garden has been around for a long time and was originally created by a Buddhist monk in a Zen temple in Kyoto during the Mura-cho period. The design of the Zen garden was created in order to imitate nature.

A Zen monk will enter a Zen garden with the intention of meditating. This quiet place was and remains an ideal place to calm the mind and reflect on the principles of Zen. Buddha statues are sometimes included in traditional Japanese Zen gardens.

The Zen Garden imitates the essence of nature, a miniature landscape marked as “dry”. This mini Zen garden can look like a small scale planet, with sand representing the earth, moss representing the earth, and large rocks representing the mountains.

Sakuteiki, who is the first record of Zen gardening, uses the expressions ishi and tateru koto, which translates as “the act of laying stones vertically”. It is very important to place the stones in a classical Zen garden, and the stones are even divided into certain categories: high vertical, low vertical, arched, sloping or flat.

Another important aspect of the classical Zen garden is sand, gravel or pebbles. These materials are used to represent water, and they are usually adapted to create ripple patterns. This practice is called samon or hokime.

Like everything else, the general use and materials used in Zen gardens have changed over time. Although the minimalist design has been preserved, a more modern garden will include water features, white sand or white gravel, succulents, steps, bamboo and so on.

More and more people are even replacing their manicured lawns with a small garden. If you are lucky enough to live in a place where only certain types of plants can be grown, a Zen garden may be an ideal choice for you.

Medium-sized boulders are used to create depth and texture in the garden. As sculptures, they should represent high mountains.

Many of these gardens are surrounded by lush garden landscapes with water, bridges, trees, various plants, mosses and various shrubs.

There are really no rules for Zen garden design. It is usually easier to choose a large attractive stone and make everything shine from there.

14.Deck and Patio Gardens

We have 3 types of deck/patio gardens:

a. Patio Garden lounge

Patio Garden lounge

Garden furniture in the courtyard is a courtyard similar to an island in the garden.

b. Patio surrounded by a garden

Patio surrounded by a garden

A balcony or patio surrounded by a garden is a terrace/patio that extends outside the house and is surrounded by gardens.

c. Deck with planter garden

Deck with planter garden

A balcony/patio with planters is exactly what you need: the planters are located on the deck to create a garden on the terrace.

15. Tire Gardens

Tire Gardens

It is not easy to eliminate them, because they are large and heavy. Fortunately, thanks to the active promotion of recycling, most tires are recycled.

However, just because there is tire recycling, it does not mean that you can recycle your tires in your garden to use them for flower growers or create tire gardens.

You can start with the first batch of two or four used tires and build on them.

You can use them as stand-alone planters, fold them into a continuous garden planter, break up a huge vegetable garden, hang them on a wall or fence, and/or make scattered garden tires in the garden style.

Tires can be used both flat and standing.

Personally, I like to color them because a colored frame looks better than a black one.

It adds more colors to your garden, becomes not only a functional element of gardening, but also contributes to the aesthetics of your garden.

16. Bamboo Gardens

17. Xeriscaped Gardens

 Xeriscaped Gardens

18.Fairy Gardens

   18.Fairy Gardens

Children like Fairy gardens. They come in different shapes-big, small, in the forest, in the garden, in vases, and so on. You just need to buy or create Fairy structures, figurines, and arrange them into small scenes.

See all fairy garden ideas here.

19.Labyrinth (garden maze)

garden maze

The fence maze is an elevated form of cornfield and hay tunnel that I like. There is something impressive about the garden maze; whether you look at it from a distance or from above, you will get lost in it and appreciate the originality, planning and endless effort to create such a place.

20. Hedge gardens

There are two types of garden hedges: decorative hedges and privacy hedges. The following are examples of both.

a. Decorative hedge

Decorative hedge

b. Privacy hedge

Privacy hedge

21. Vertical Gardens

Vertical gardens make full use of space and help transform previously lifeless plots into thriving nurseries! As you will see below, almost any vertical surface can be used for growing plants.

Vertical Gardens

From green walls to reusable household items, going vertical means creativity. Vertical landscaping is also a great way to add a touch of color, a bit of style, or a general design concept to your existing garden. Regardless of whether you strictly regulate plants, focus on growing certain species, or combine your means, your creative motivation is the only limitation.

The result can be amazing. Turn a boring place in the fence into a collage soaked in color. Use the window frames repeatedly to expose a variety of colorful flowers.

Turn a boring wrought iron seeder into a rod suspended along the back fence. Or turn the exterior walls of ordinary city apartments into blooming green walls – this can not only reduce heating and air conditioning costs, but also enrich the life of everyone who passes by. Especially useful for densely populated urban areas, vertical landscaping allows any urban dweller to get closer to the land that supports it.


Can you use garden soil for houseplants?

no! Topsoil and garden soil are usually too heavy and dense for plants growing in outdoor and indoor containers.

Eventually, it condenses in the container, suffocating the roots of the plant. As a result, development may be disrupted or even suppressed. Instead, you will need to use potted soil.

Does the garden need plenty of sunlight?

It depends on what kind of garden you have, for example, raising, and what type of crops you grow. In a wooded garden, edible fruits need at least six hours of sunlight a day to harvest fruits.

At the same time, root crops such as sugar beets, potatoes and radishes can bloom within 3-4 hours of direct sunlight, with a little shade and light for the rest of the day.

Bok choy, arugula and other leafy greens get a little sunshine every day.

Does the raised bed need to be drained?

Yes it is! Raised beds need proper drainage to thrive. When planting plants in containers, it is very important to ensure sufficient drainage so that the soil does not get wet and the plants do not suffocate.

Can you garden in winter?

The winter garden can be used to grow many types of edible plants, including vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

Although some plants thrive in the cool conditions of cold frame nurseries, other plants need additional heat from the sun and even artificial sources.

Does the garden attract mice?

Yes it is! In addition, they will eat your garden and indoor plants. Mice like to eat seeds, so they often eat freshly harvested garden seeds such as sunflowers and corn. Mice also like tender green vegetables, grass seeds and fresh grains.

Are you engaged in vertical gardening?

With the help of vertical gardening, you can significantly increase production. If you choose vertical gardening, you will find that the risk of pests and diseases causing damage to plants is much lower.

When climbing, plants will get a lot of air and, if necessary, light.

Maybe the fabulous garden is outdoors?

Fabulous gardens will bloom outdoors, so you can put them indoors or outdoors as you like. Just choose your theme and make sure there is enough space for containers on the website of your choice.

Does the garden attract mosquitoes?

The type of plants in your garden determines whether and to what extent your garden will attract mosquitoes. Some plants attract mosquitoes like magnets, such as water lettuce, water lilies, and bamboo.

At the same time, very aromatic plants, such as calendula, rosemary, mint, basil, will keep its place.

When is it too late to start the garden?

At any time after June, it is usually too late for most gardeners to plant. Keep in mind that some plants can grow in a winter garden, such as spinach, so it all depends on your habitat and the type of plant you decide to grow.

However, most people start planting in March.

Most vegetables have a short harvest period and should be planted no earlier than the second week of June.

You can still plant crops for 50 days in the last week of June, but keep in mind that the weather starts to get cooler, especially at night. It is ideal to grow crops in cold weather at the end of the year.